Dec 20, 2018
Tis the season... for a house full of guests, a fridge full of food, kids hopped up on present stress and even Virginia is making menu plans because holiday hosting is no joke. If you're stressing over how to get big holiday dinners on the table, or what to do when your kids only eat rolls (spoiler: They will only eat...
Dec 13, 2018
Baking (or cooking, or just inhabiting the kitchen) with your children sounds so great in theory...but the reality is often sticky counters, broken egg shells, and bored littles wondering when you're going to get to the fun frosting part already. (But you're making soup.) This week, Amy and Virginia ask Samantha Barnes,...
Dec 6, 2018
You've heard us mention Division of Responsibility a million times by now. And you may have encountered this feeding philosophy, developed by renowned therapist and dietitian Ellyn Satter in mom groups or on parenting sites too. But while DOR can be pretty life-changing, it's not always simple to put...
Nov 29, 2018
Virginia's new book, The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt in America, is finally here! So today, we're chatting all about how it came to be — from Virginia's daughter's dramatic story of feeding tube dependency and learning to eat again, to the interviews Virginia did with dozens of other folks,...
Nov 15, 2018
Baby led weaning and purees are both perfectly acceptable ways to introduce a baby to solid foods. But this topic gets crazy heated among moms! We’ll talk through why so many folks believe there's just one right way to approach this milestone and whether you can combine the methods (spoiler: We sure did!). And we’ll...